Title: Command and Control in 2010: The Impact of Emerging Commercial Satellite Systems on Joint Operations
Subject: The potential utility of emerging commercial satellite systems on the command and control of future joint operations.
Author(s): Virginia B. Ashpole; Theresa R. Clark (Faculty Advisor)
Abstract: Joint Vision 2010 depicts a military with unprecedented mobility, precision, and dispersion of force. To achieve this vision, the existing command and control structures and systems must evolve to support greater information flows to a wider audience. This paper examines the potential utility of emerging commercial satellite systems to military command and control of joint operations. Emerging commercial satellite systems offer worldwide communications and remote sensing services previously unavailable commercially. These services include mobile voice and data, direct broadcast, broadband communications, and remote sensing. This paper examines the architecture of several emerging satellite systems and highlights attributes and capabilities which provide particular advantage for directly and indirectly enhancing the command and control of joint operations. In addition, an assessment of commercial systems in terms of assured access, security, and interoperability is discussed. With modifications for military unique requirements, the emerging commercial satellite systems can help achieve the command and control of military forces envisioned in Joint Vision 2010. These systems represent a pre-deployed, robust, and interoperable infrastructure which the military can leverage to its benefit.