Title: Space Power Theory: A Rising Star
Subject: Space power theory
Author(s): Judson J. Jusell; Lantz R. Balthazar III (Faculty Advisor)
Is there a single comprehensive theory that could shape future space
and air forces? This essay examines the current
state of space power theory. The method of research was a literature
review of books, periodicals, government and private
reports, and conference proceedings via Air University Library and the
Internet, as well as personal contact with faculty members
from several military schools. This effort identified basic elements of
military theory—definitions, explanations and
predictions—which then became a qualification as well as a framework
for this paper.
The major findings of this paper are that 1) Space power theory is
emerging: it exists and is growing in the form of definitions,
explanations and predictions of the nature, significance and functioning
of systems in space; 2) A single comprehensive space
power theory does not exist; and 3) Space power theory has much room
for improvement in its definitions, explanations and
predictions of space power.
Finally, this paper recommends that future theorists 1) Expand all areas
of space power theory to create a more robust body of
literature; 2) Thoroughly examine the contributions of early space
theorists (see Chapter 3, Note 1); 3) Address, in detail, the two
"hot topics" in space power theory today—space control and space force
organization; and 4) Seek a single comprehensive space
power theory to bring together the lasting ideas of space power for the
purpose of shaping future space forces.