Glossary of Abbreviations
AADC Area air defense commander
AW Air Warfare
ABL Airborne laser
ABM Anti-ballistic missile
ACES arrow continuation experiments
ACTD Advanced concept technology demonstration
AD Destroyer tender
ADCP Air defense communications platform
ADG Active defense group
ALERT Attack and launch early report to theater
AO Oiler
AOA Amphibious objective area
AOE Fast combat support ship
AOR Area of responsibility
ARG Amphibious ready group
AS Submarine tender
ASAS Advanced solid axial stage
ASCM Anti-ship cruise missiles
ATACMS Army tactical missile system
AWACS Airborne warning and control system
BDA Battle damage assessment
BMC4I Battle management
command, control, communications,
computers, and intelligence
BMDO Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
BPI Boost-phase intercept
BUMBLEBEE Early USN AW missile program
C2 Command and control
CAP Combat air patrol
CEC Cooperative engagement capability
CENTCOM United States Central Command
CEP Circular error probable
CG Guided-missile cruiser
CIC Combat information center
CINC Commander in chief
CIWS Close-in weapon system
CNA Center for Naval Analyses
CNN Cable News Network
CO Commanding officer
COEA Cost and operational effectiveness analysis
CONOPS Concept of operations
CONUS Continental United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii)
CRC Control and reporting center
CRP Controllable/reversible pitch
CVBG Aircraft carrier battle group
CVN Aircraft carrier, nuclear-powered
CW Chemical warfare
DAL Defended assets list
DDG Guided-missile destroyer
DE Directed energy
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DoD Department of Defense
DSP Defense Support Program
ECS Engagement control station
EMCON Emissions control
ERINT [Patriot] extended range interceptor
ESSM Evolved Sea Sparrow missile
EW Early warning
FPPWP First preplanned waypoint
FPTOC Force projection tactical operations center
FROG Free rocket over ground
FU Fire units
GALE Generic area limitation environment
GBR [THAAD] Ground-based radar
GCCS Global command and control system
GEM [Patriot] Guidance enhanced missile
GFCS Gun fire control system
GPS Global Positioning System
HARM High-speed antiradiation missile
HEU Highly enriched uranium
ICBM Intercontinental ballistic missile
ICC Information Coordination Central
INDIGO TLAM tasking message
IOC Initial operational capability
IPB Intelligence preparation of the battle space
IR Infrared
IRST Infrared search and track
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JCTN Joint composite tracking network
JDN Joint data network
JFACC Joint force air component commander
JFC Joint force commander
JFMCC Joint force maritime component commander
JMCIS Joint maritime command information system
JPN Joint planning network
JSOC Joint Special Operations Command
JSTARS Joint surveillance and target attack radar system
JTAGS Joint tactical ground station
JTIDS Joint tactical information distribution system
JTMD Joint theater missile defense
KE Kinetic energy
KKV Kinetic-kill vehicle
KW Kinetic warhead
LAMPS Light airborne multipurpose system
LS Launching station
MASINT Measurement and signals intelligence
MEADS Medium extended air
defense system
(formerly CORPS SAM)
MEZ Missile engagement zone
MIF Maritime interdiction force
MIW Mine warfare
MLRS Multiple launch rocket system
MOPP Mission-oriented protective posture
MPS Maritime prepositioning ship
MRBM Medium-range ballistic missile
MTCR Missile technology control regime
Nato North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVCENT Naval Forces, U.S. Central Command
NCA National Command Authority
NTDC Non-tactical data collection
NTF National test facility
NTW Navy Theater Wide
OOB Operational order of battle
OODA Observe, orient, decide, act
PAC Patriot advanced capability
Pk Probability of kill
POM Program objective memorandum
PST Precision-strike Tomahawk
QR Quick response
R&D Research and development
RAS Replenishment at sea
RCS Radar cross-section
RF Radio frequency
ROE Rules of engagement
RV Reentry vehicle
SAM Surface-to-air missile
SATCOM Satellite communications
SBIRS-LOW Space-based infrared system-low earth orbit
SBWS Space-based warning system (DSP + TES)
ScudCap Scud combat air patrol
SDIO Strategic Defense Initiative Office
SEALs Sea, air, land (team)
SLOC Sea line of communication
SMTS Space and missile tracking system
SOF Special operations forces
SRBM Short-range ballistic missile
STO Systems test officer
SUW Surface Warfare
TACAIR Tactical aircraft
TACDAR Tactical detection and reporting
TAD Theater air defense
TADC Theater air defense commander
TAG TBMD action group
TAOC Tactical air operations center
TBM Theater ballistic missile
TBM-WMD Theater ballistic missileweapons of mass destruction
TBMD Theater ballistic missile defense
TBMD ROE Theater ballistic missile defense rules of engagement
TDDS Tactical data distribution system
TEL Transporter-erector-launcher (for TBM)
TENCAP Tactical exploitation of national capabilities
TES Tactical event system
THAAD Theater high-altitude area defense
TIBS Tactical information broadcast service
TLAM Tomahawk land attack missile
TM Theater missile
TMD Theater missile defense
TMDA Theater missile defense advisor
TOC Tactical operations center
TPFDL Time-phased force deployment list
TPT Theater planning tool
TRAP TRE and related applications (now TDDS)
TRE Tactical receive equipment
TSC TOMAHAWK strike coordinator
TVM Track-via-missile
UAC Urgent attack commander
UOES User operational evaluation system
URG Underway replenishment group
USEUCOM United States European Command
USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command
USSPACECOM United States Space Command
USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command
USW Undersea warfare
VLA Vertical-launch ASROC
VLS Vertical launch system
VLS UNREP Vertical launch system underway replenishment
WMD Weapons of mass destruction