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1890 Hermann Ganswindt proposes a reaction-powered space ship. 1895-1898 First publication of Konstantin Tsiolkovski articles on the mechanics and theory of space flight. 1906-1908 Robert H. Goddard begins experiments with powder 1914 rockets. Jan 1919 Goddard patents liquid rocket engine. Publication of Goddard's "A Method of Reaching Extreme 1923 Altitudes". Nov Hermann Oberth publishes his doctoral thesis on space flight. Jul 1927 Goddard successfully static tests the world's first liquid fuel rocket engine. 1929 German Society for Space Flight is formed. Jan 1933 Oberth's book, Wege zur Raumschiffahrt, containing engineering details of a satellite rendezvous proposal, is published. May 1935 Wehrmacht assumes control of German rocket 1938 experimentation; Captain Walter Dornberger is assigned to monitor Oct 2 1942 program for the eventual development of a bombardment rocket. Sep 8 1944 Goddard fires a liquid-fuel test rocket to an altitude Oct 3 1945 of 7,000 feet. Formal development of A-4 (V-2) missile begins at Nov 1945 Peenemunde. V-2, on third attempt, successfully completes its initial field trial. Dec 1945 The first V-2 hits London. Mar 7 1946 U S Navy Bureau of Aeronautics proposes development of an American satellite. Apr 9 General of the Armies H.H. Arnold urges that the air service start the development of long range ballistic May 12 missiles and space vehicles. Dr. Vannevar Bush ridicules Arnold recommendations in testimony before Senate committee. May 14 U.S. Navy proposes interservice space program. Aeronautical Board of Research and Development Jan 1947 Committee first discusses proposal for American satellite program. Jun U.S. Army Air Forces receive the RAND study proposing early Sep 18 development of an American satellite and attesting to the feasibility of the undertaking. Sep 25 Major General C.E. LeMay presents AAF-RAND study to the Aeronautics Board of the Research and Development (Fall) Committee; board fails to take any action. U.S. Navy asks Research and Development Board for Dec authority over United States satellite development. Aeronautical Board requests authority to fund Dec 8 satellite studies. United States Air Force officially created and Dec 19 activated. USAF headquarters directed Air Materiel Command Engineering Jan 15 1948 Division to evaluate RAND satellite studies received the previous February. Jan 16 White Sands Proving Ground designs and proposes Army Oct space flight experiment. 1951 Navy claims satellite jurisdiction; USAF rocket programs dropped. May 22 1953 Engineering Division completes evaluation of RAND satellite proposals. Joint Research and Development Board Committee on Jun 16 Guided Missiles acquires Department of Defense responsibility for coordination and control of Earth Satellite Vehicle programs. Sep 8 General H.S. Vandenberg issues policy statement on primacy of USAF space interest. Dec 3 Navy withdraws claim for control of satellite development. Mar 1 1954 "Grimminger Report" is published, starting United States interest in a scientific satellite. Aug The Artificial Satellite, first published work on scientific space experimentation, appears. Sep 15 USAF headquarters directs the Air Research and Development Command to investigate the feasibility of Oct starting development of an auxiliary nuclear power source for satellites. Defense Secretary C E Wilson directs review of all guided missile programs with the objective of Nov 27 eliminating duplicative effort. RAND recommends that the USAF let a contract for Dec 14 development of a satellite system with a reconnaissance mission. Mar 16 1955 Weapon System 117L, Advanced Reconnaissance System, is documented by ARDC as firs step toward securing approval for a system program. May 26 RAND formally recommends early start on the development of a Aug reconnaissance satellite. Congress approves United States participation in the Aug 31 International Geophysical Year program. Oct 10 Army Ordnance proposes development of a minimum satellite under the name "Project Orbiter". USAF Assistant Secretary Trevor Gardner asks the Oct 14 Scientific Advisory Group to study and report on the interaction of current satellite proposals with the recently accelerated Nov 1 intercontinental ballistic missile program. System Requirement Number 5 is issued, covering a Jan 14 1956 reconnaissance satellite. Army representatives approach the other services with proposals for cooperative development of Project Orbiter. Jan 16 General Operational Requirement Number 80 is issued, Feb covering development of a reconnaissance satellite. Apr 2 The National Security Council rules that military rockets may not be used in the United States scientific satellite program. Jul 24 The Stewart Committee selects the Navy Vanguard proposal as the United States scientific satellite program. USAF headquarters directs ARDC to establish a scientific satellite auxiliary to Weapon System 117L program. Responsibility for Weapon System 117L is transferred from Wright Air Development Center to the Western Development Division of ARDC. USAF cancels the requirement for a scientific satellite version of Weapon System 117L. USAF directs re-establishment of scientific satellite program and submission of development plan. Preliminary development plan cove ring a scientific satellite version of Weapon System 117L is published; Western Development Division emphasizes urgency of support requirements if program is to have any chance of success. ARDC headquarters approves preliminary development plan. Presentation of ARDC plan to Stewart Committee. Western Development Division publishes full development plan for Weapon System 117L. USAF approves development plan for Weapon System 117L.