Added the text of AIR FORCE DOCTRINE DOCUMENT 4 SPACE OPERATIONS DOCTRINE to the Military Space section of DoctrineLINK [13 January 1997]
The Future of Russia's Strategic Nuclear Forces: Discussions
and Arguments, E.V. Miasnikov , Center For Arms Control, Energy, and
Environmental Studies at MPTI, Dolgoprudny, 1995.
Appendix 1 - What is known about the character of noise created by submarines?
Appendix 2 - Estimates of submarine detection ranges
Appendix 3 - Organizing command and control systems in the NSNF
- Challenger Accident Memories - a guestbook where folks can recount their memories of the accident [created 27 December 1996].
Added testimony from the Intelligence Analysis on the Long-Range Missile Threat to the United States
December 4, 1996 - Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearings on NIE95-19 to the Intelligence Reform Congressional Hearings section [11 December 1996]
BMD-List - more or less daily email emission covering the full spectrum of special weapons [nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and missile delivery systems] issues. [10 December 1996]
Space Policy Online Conference [08 December 1996]
Special Weapons / Missile Defense Online Conference [08 December 1996]
- A modest update to the Life on Mars site. [29 October 1996]
- Added guide to Space News on the Net [29 October 1996]
- Added directory of Civil Space Agencies, Associations and Institutes [29 October 1996]
- Added pretty massive inventory of Ballistic Missile Defense budget documents [these will take another week or so to get into a more usable format, but we have tossed our cap over the wall, so wish us luck, as we will be needing it] [28 October 1996]
- Updated the worldwide Star Wars News Reports (23 October 1996)
- Extensive additions of Clinton Administration documents (23 October 1996)
- Started the Space Policy e-Print archive [contributions are encouraged!!] (22 October 1996)
- Added guide to ballistic missile defense and related Office of Technology Assessment reports (22 October 1996)
- Additional updates to Congressional Hearings (22 October 1996)
- Another update to the Election 96 and Star Wars section. (22 October 1996)
- Extensive additions of Reagan Administration documents (18 October 1996)
- Extensive update to the Election 96 and Star Wars section. (17 October 1996)
- A comprehensive online library of Military Space Doctrine, hosted at our site, provides ready access to doctrinal and related publications. This implementation is part of our DoctrineLINK initiative. [12 October 1996]
- Star Wars--Clever Politics in the Service of Bad Policy September/October 1996 FAS Public Interest Report (2 October 1996)
- Fairly extensive updates to Congressional Hearings, including both recent BMD hearings as well as older archival material. (2 October 1996)
- Various other updates across the site too numerous to enumerate -- if you haven't poked around our site lately, now is a good time to do so. (25 September 1996)
- Updated the worldwide Star Wars News Reports (23 September 1996)
- Added comprehensive situation report on Missile Proliferation to the Threat Assessment section (13 September 1996).
- FOREIGN MISSILE THREATS: Analytic Soundness of certain National Intelligence Estimates (GAO Report, 08/30/96, GAO/NSIAD-96-255) (12 September 1996)
- Added a number of resources to the Life on Mars site. (12 September 1996)
- Added links to Missile Control A most excellent version of the venerable Missile Command, implemented in Shockwave. If you are not Shockwave-enabled, you should be, so download this plugin for Netscape 2.0 right now! (10 September 1996)
- Online with Java-enhanced As the Worlds Turn -- rotating planets, satellites and asteroids demonstrate the strengths [and weaknesses] of Java animation -- a must see, but not for the timid. (8 September 1996)
- Added even more material from Maxim and Ivan over at the Russian Institute of Space Policy to the Russian Space Industry guide. (8 September 1996)
- Added a number of resources to the Life on Mars site. (4-7 September 1996)
- Hot Document Alert! ACDA 1995 ANNUAL REPORT including chapters on Controlling Nuclear Weapons and Controlling Missiles and Space Weapons
- Added Steven Hildreth's Congressional Research Service testimony to the 1992 hearings on lessons learned from Patriot in Desert Storm and the Star Wars Doctrine, Exercise, Tests and Operations section covering lessons learned from Patriot in Desert Storm. (25 August 1996)
- Started construction of the archive of 1993 Congressional Record - material on BMD and related topics. (25 August 1996)
- Updated the worldwide Star Wars News Reports (25 August 1996)
- Added some more material from Maxim and Ivan over at the Russian Institute of Space Policy to the Russian Space Industry guide. (24 August 1996)
- Updated the Life on Mars page. (22 August 1996)
- Added a number of additional items to the Star Wars Doctrine, Exercise, Tests and Operations section covering lessons learned from Patriot in Desert Storm. (10 August 1996)
- Added documentation on the Congressional lawsuit against President Clinton on theater missile defense plans. (10 August 1996)
- Added party platform information to the Election 96 and Star Wars section. (9 August 1996)
- Completed initial construction of the Life on Mars page. (9 August 1996)
- Added transcripts of the NASA newsconference to the Life on Mars page along with many other updates. (8 August 1996)
- Added sections of Storming the Heavens to the Life on Mars page along with numerous other updates. (7 August 1996)
- Started construction of the Life on Mars page. (6 August 1996)
- Pretty much finished Joe Cirincione's landmark 1992 hearings on lessons learned from Patriot in Desert Storm. (5 August 1996)
- Added July 26, 1996 Congressional Budget Office - Potential Costs of Operating and Supporting the defenses included in the Defend America Act of 1996 (S. 1635) (5 August 1996)
- Removed excessively buggy interactive Missile Commando from the Fun and Games section, pending release of the new and improved version. (4 August 1996)
- Added a number of additional items to the Star Wars Doctrine, Exercise, Tests and Operations section covering lessons learned from Patriot in Desert Storm. (2 August 1996)
- Fun and Games with Star Wars, including online interactive Missile Commando [rather buggy Java]. (2 August 1996)
- Maxim and Ivan over at the Russian Institute of Space Policy are really starting to crank out the profiles of the components of the Russian aerospace complex for the Russian Space Industry guide. (1 August 1996)
July 1996
- Significant upgrade to the Star Wars Analysis and Advocates sections. (30 July 1996)
- Lots of other minor upgrades more or less all across the Stop Star Wars site. Pretty much the entire site is now more or less up and running, apart from the Programs section, which is still under construction. We are adding stuff to the Official Documents and Congressional sections on a pretty continuous basis, so we are not going to note each and every item as it is added, as they are too numerous to enumerate. (30 July 1996)
- Updated coverage and links in the Election 96 and Star Wars section. (28 July 1996)
- Added the Compilation of editorials and other items on Ballistic Missile Defense by the National Security News Service to the Hot Documents
section. (28 July 1996)
- Started serious construction of the Russian Space Industry guide, which provides detailed profiles of the components of the Russian aerospace complex. The project is being conducted in conjunction with the Russian Institute of Space Policy. (28 July 1996)
- Completed the initial build of the Star Wars News Reports section, with links to numerous USIA news stories, and guides to current news resources. (28 July 1996).
- Added a number of items to the Star Wars Doctrine, Exercise, Tests and Operations section, mainly material covering lessons learned from Patriot in Desert Storm [there is more where this came from, and we will be rolling it out in the next couple of days]. (24 July 1996)
- Expanded the worldwide Star Wars News Reports section to include links to USIA news stories and related resources. This will take a bit of time to complete [and the USIA gopher server is a bit unreliable], but when completed it will provide a nice roundup of news reports on ballistic missile defense and related topics dating back to 1992. (23 July 1996)
- Completed a major upgrade of the Executive Branch Documents including a number of additional Clinton and Bush Administration documents and statements. (22 July 1996)
- Started construction of the Military Missile Warning Programs program guide with data on current and planned programs. (13 July 1996)
- Added 1995 Congressional hearing testimony from ballistic missile defense related hearings. (13 July 1996)
- Added 1993 Congressional hearing testimony from ballistic missile defense related hearings. (13 July 1996)
- Expanded Military Space Doctrine documentation. (13 July 1996)
- Added new Congressional Record - material covering final passage of the Senate Defense Authorization bill. (11 July 1996)
- Clinton Administration Documents - updated with additional executive branch documents and statements. (11 July 1996)
- Added a couple of new 1996 Congressional hearing testimony from ballistic missile defense related hearings. (11 July 1996)
June 1996
- Started section on Congressional reports on ballistic missile defense related issues. (26 June 1996)
- Added new 1996 Congressional hearing testimony from ballistic missile defense related hearings. (26 June 1996)
- Completed [no kidding this time, we missed a couple the first time around] 1995 Congressional Record coverage of floor debates on ballistic missile defense related hearings. (26 June 1996)
- Added new Congressional Record - material covering recent floor statements. (26 June 1996)
- Clinton Administration Documents - updated with additional executive branch documents and statements. (24 June 1996)
- World Media Coverage of Star Wars - updated construction of review of media coverage. (24 June 1996)
- Updated Challenger Accident homepage, adding a few new resources and dropping some that had gone bad. (22 June 1996)
- Military Communications Satellites - continued construction of program guide with data on communications satellites. (20 June 1996)
- Aircraft Proliferation - partially updated study on the proliferation of advanced combat aircraft. (15 June 1996)
- Clinton Administration Documents - updated with additional executive branch documents and statements. (6 June 1996)
May 1996
- Analysis of the Dole Defend America Act. (24 May 1996)
- Clinton Administration Documents - updated with additional executive branch documents and statements. (22 May 1996)
- Initial guide to Star Wars Programs, initially focusing on other web resources. (21 May 1996)
- Military Space Program Guide - started rollout of program guide with data on imaging intellitence and wide area surveillance. (15 May 1996)
- Moved the old Campaign to Stop Star Wars to the new site to reflect transfer to new and improved virtual server (10 May 1996)
- World Media Coverage of Star Wars - updated construction of review of media coverage. (9 May 1996)
- Added new Congressional hearing testimony from ballistic missile defense related hearings. (8 May 1996)
- Updated guide to Star Wars Advocate web resources. (5 May 1996)
- Completely reorganized the entire Space Policy Project Site (5 May 1996) to divide our content into major thematic areas: civil space, military space, star wars and advanced aircraft.
- Updated compilation of General Accounting Office Reports related to ballistic missile defense. (4 May 1996)
April 1996
- Clinton Administration Documents - updated with additional executive branch documents and statements. (2 April 1996)
- Added new Congressional Record - material covering recent floor statements. (2 April 1996)
- Added new Congressional hearing testimony from ballistic missile defense related hearings. (1 April 1996)
March 1996
- World Media Coverage of Star Wars - started construction of review of media coverage. (22 March 1996)
- Clinton Administration Documents - updated with additional executive branch documents and statements. (22 March 1996)
- Added new Congressional Record - material covering recent floor statements. (22 March 1996)
- Added new Congressional hearing testimony from ballistic missile defense related hearings. (22 March 1996)
- Added new Congressional Record - material covering recent floor statements. (21 February 1996)
- Aircraft Proliferation added study on the proliferation of advanced combat aircraft. (15 February 1996)
- Clinton Administration Documents - updated with additional executive branch documents and statements. (12 February 1996)
January 1996
- Added new Congressional Record - material covering recent floor statements. (21 January 1996)
- Garcia Letter on Shuttle Safety -- 19 January 1996
- Challenger Accident -- 17 January 1996
- Clinton Administration Documents - updated with additional executive branch documents and statements. (16 January 1996)
- Completed 1995 Congressional Record coverage of floor debates on ballistic missile defense related hearings. (16 January 1996)
- Initial guide to Star Wars Advocate web resources. (16 January 1996)
- What's New activated [finally!!] -- 15 January 1996
December 1995
- Updated 1995 Congressional Record coverage of floor debates on ballistic missile defense. (22 December 1995)
- Updated 1995 Congressional Record coverage of floor debates on ballistic missile defense. (1 December 1995)
November 1995
- Major redesign of Campaign to Stop Star Wars under Military Spending Working Group -- 27 November 1995
- Added Moscow Summit Agreed Statement on ballistic missile defense and the ABM Treaty. (10 November 1995)
October 1995
- National Security Space Agencies on the Web -- 31 October 1995
- Started compilation of General Accounting Office Reports related to ballistic missile defense. (15 October 1995)
September 1995
- Updated compilation of Clinton Administration documents on ballistic missile defense. (12 September 1995)
- Updated compilation of 1995 Congressional Record coverage of floor debates on ballistic missile defense. (9 September 1995)
August 1995
- Updated compilation of 1995 Congressional Record coverage of floor debates on ballistic missile defense. (15 August 1995)
- Updated compilation of Clinton Administration documents on ballistic missile defense. (15 August 1995)
- Annotated analysis of the Senate Compromise
Language of the Missile Defense Act August 1995
July 1995
- Annotated analysis of the Senate Missile Defense Act
July 1995
- Added compilation of Primary Documents on ballistic missile defense, including text of ABM Treaty, Agreed Statements, and various summit statements. (7 July 1995)
June 1995
- Started compilation of 1995 Congressional Record coverage of floor debates on ballistic missile defense. (5 June 1995)
- Started compilation of Clinton Administration documents on ballistic missile defense. (1 June 1995)
May 1995
FAS website now online -- 1 May 1995
Maintained by Webmaster
Updated 31 December 1997