Space Surveillance
Satellite-to-satellite imaging

On occasion, an imaging satellite will fly close enough to another satellite
to obtain a resolved picture of it. This technique, called
"satellite-to-satellite" imaging or "sat-squared," has been rumored to be in
use for several years using reconnaissance satellites. An unclassified
example is this optical image of the ERS-1 radar satellite imaged by the
SPOT-4 remote sensing satellite in May of 1998. For further details, see
Other Resources
- A Stealth Satellite Sourcebook by Allen Thomson, updated March 8, 2016
- Sourcebook on the Okno and Krona Space Surveillance Systems by Allen Thomson, updated November 19, 2014
- A Globus II / HAVE STARE Sourcebook by Allen Thomson, updated September 20, 2013
- A GRAVES Sourcebook, by Allen Thomson, updated August 7, 2013. "The French GRAVES system (Grande Réseau Adapté à la Veille Spatial) is presently the only European installation outside the US SSN which can perform space surveillance in its classical sense."
- A Tutorial on Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) Theory and Systems, Institute for Defense Analyses, January 2013
- Simplified Satellite Prediction from Modified Orbital Elements, National Academy of Sciences, 1 January 1959
- The Altay Optical-Laser Center Sourcebook by Allen Thomson, updated March 29, 2011
- A Sourcebook for the Use of the FGAN Tracking and Imaging Radar for Satellite Imaging by Allen Thomson, updated April 22, 2012
- A GEODSS Sourcebook by Allen Thomson, updated October 19, 2008
- DOPLOC: A Selection of Historical Items on Radiometric Tracking compiled by Allen Thomson
- The Navy Space Surveillance System, R.L. Easton and J.J. Fleming, Proceedings of the IRE, 1960
- Revisiting Spacetrack Report #3 by David A. Vallado, Paul Crawford, Richard Hujsak, and T.S. Kelso, AIAA 2006-6753
- A Sourcebook on the Use of the MU Radar for Satellite Tracking by Allen Thomson, September 2006
- The Q-2004: The Use of Videography in Tracking Earth Satellites by Greg Roberts (1.8 MB PDF file)
- Monitoring Space -- Efforts Made by European Countries by H. Klinkrad
- Navy Space Surveillance System, budget justification, February 2003
- The Naval Space Command Automatic Differential Correction Process by D.A. Danielson, et al
- COBRA TALON, COBRA SPOT, from Allen Thomson, December 9, 2003
- Could Columbia have been imaged by a KeyHole? by Ted Molczan, February 17, 2003
- STS 107 Mystery Object by Ted Molczan, March 4, 2003
- AMOS Imagery of Space Shuttle Columbia During STS-107
- Space Surveillance and Tracking System, Fact Sheet, October 2002
- The Naval Space Surveillance System, Fact Sheet, September 2002
- SPAWAR Awards Space Surveillance System Contract, September 2002
- A Space Surveillance Ontology, MITRE, October 2000
- Space Surveillance Ontology Captured in an XML Schema, Daniel M. Brandsma, MITRE, May 23, 2001
- Modernizing the Naval Space Surveillance System (PDF), NRL briefing, 1999
- Human Machine Interface Incidents: The SPADOC 4C Story
- US Naval Space Command Space Surveillance System (Allen Thomson)
- THE RADAR ROADMAP Electronic Trajectory Measurements Group, Range Commanders Council, DOCUMENT 260-98 - SEPTEMBER 1998
Other Tracking Activities
Created by John Pike
Maintained by Steven Aftergood
Updated January 10, 2020